Posters will be exhibited during the conference (in two sets – set 1 on 27th-28th and set 2 on 29th-30th). Additionally, authors are invited to do a short pitch on their poster in a specific session (see Programme).
Poster Presentation
- Posters must be printed in portrait format (85 width x 115 height cm). Posters larger than this size or in landscape layout will exceed the available space on the standing boards, and will be removed.
- Please use your preferred formatting style, as no poster template will be provided. We suggest that you choose font sizes that are easily readable from a distance, and a style that is visually appealing and clear.
- Please print the poster and bring it with you at the conference. No printing services are provided on site. Materials for attaching posters will be provided at the conference.
- You will be responsible for putting up and taking down your own poster, at your own poster session - set 1 on 27th-28th or set 2 on 29th-30th. Posters left up after the conference will be discarded.
- Authors are encouraged to stand next to their poster during coffee breaks to foster the interaction with participants and to answer to eventual questions.
Poster pitch sessions
- Poster presenters are invited to do a short pitch of 90 secs (supported by two slides) in a dedicated poster session.
- Poster pitches will be organized as plenary sessions in the afternoons of 27th, 28th and 29th of September. More information will be available in the detailed programme.
- Poster presenters will be contacted by email and asked to send beforehand the two slides for their pitch, following the template provided.
Best-poster prize
- There will be a voting for the best poster award for young researchers. This competition is open to all poster presenters (not the first author of the work) who are less than 35 years old. An open call asking the authors of posters to apply for the best-poster prize was sent out by email.
- Eligible posters (presenters under 35) will be evaluated upon quality, clarity and relevance towards the related topics, in order to determine the best conference posters. Voting is open to all participants. Each participant will have a voting ballot, that must be filled and delivered at a poll box located on site.
- The posters eligible for the competition will be included in set 1, i.e. put up on Tuesday 27th and Wednesday 28th. The prize-winning posters will be announced during the Conference dinner on Thursday, September 29th 2022.